To: HRI Membership
In August 2022, Hockey Regina engaged Praxis Consulting as an independent third-party to assist with engaging members and capturing feedback to be used to guide the development of HRI’s strategic plan. The membership engagement project had four key objectives:
To ensure a robust data collection phase, the research methodology included three steps:
Praxis Consulting delivered the results of the survey to the membership on April 27th and followed this with a question/answer period. The HRI Board is now actively reviewing the results and moving forward with next steps in the development of a strategic plan. As well, the HRI Board will be looking at ways to address some of the identified areas of concern that can be more quickly acted upon in the upcoming months.
One of the key take-aways we received is that more frequent communication needs to be sent out to membership. As we move into the summer months, we will be looking to get further suggestions from you, the members, on what types of information you want to receive and best ways for getting that information to you. Please watch for more on this coming to your inboxes soon.
To conclude, we want to thank-you for your participation in this endeavor and for sharing your feedback, both the highs and lows, so that we can continue to grow the game of hockey in our city for everyone. Should you have any further comments you wish to share, please feel free to reach out to any member of the HRI Board.
Sincerely, Michele Ellingsen Ailsby, on behalf of Hockey Regina Inc.
Michele Ellingsen Ailsby
Director, U11
Hockey Regina