League Awards
Hockey Regina will be recognizing excellence in various areas of minor hockey with 3 new distinctive awards.
Please see below for information on the two individual and one team award that Hockey Regina will now be presenting on a yearly basis.

This award was established to pay tribute to a person who has made an outstanding voluntary contribution to Hockey Regina for a considerable period of time. Their contribution could have came in a number of different areas such as player/coach development, team administration, coaching, officials, facilitation, planning etc.
- Must have participated as a Hockey Regina Volunteer for a minimum of 5 years
- nominee must be 18 years of age or older
- previous award winners will not be eligible (going forward)
- Submit a completed nomination form Nomination Form- Hockey Regina Volunteer Honour Award
- Submit a letter summarizing the details of volunteer contribution with Hockey Regina
- Send all of the above to awards@hockeyregina.ca or drop off at the Hockey Regina office Attn: Awards Committee
Nominations must be submitted to Hockey Regina by 5:00pm CST on March 13, 2020.

This award will be presented to a Hockey Regina team who has demonstrated a strong desire to help others in their community during the current season. It is meant to encourage our players to give back and hopefully they will carry that consideration and awareness forward with them in life.
- Community assistance must have taken place in the current hockey season
- Any funds raised must not have been for team profit
- Participation must have been by a team, this is not an individual award
- Submit a completed nomination form Nomination Form- Hockey Regina Community Involvement Award
- Submit a letter summarizing the details of the team contribution
- Submit a 1 minute video or 5 photos of the team assisting in the community
- Send all of the above to awards@hockeyregina.ca or drop off at the Hockey Regina office Attn: Awards Committee
Nominations must be submitted to Hockey Regina by 5:00pm CST on March 13, 2020.

This award will be presented to a volunteer who has made an outstanding contribution to Hockey Regina during the current season; coach (team official), manager (team administrator), parent volunteer etc. This individual will have volunteered their time and have received no monetary consideration.
- Must have participated as a Hockey Regina Volunteer during the current hockey season
- nominee must be 18 years of age or older
- previous award winners will not be eligible (going forward)
- Submit a completed nomination form Nomination Form- Hockey Regina Volunteer Of The Year Award
- Submit a letter summarizing the details of volunteer contribution with Hockey Regina
- Send all of the above to awards@hockeyregina.ca or drop off at the Hockey Regina office Attn: Awards Committee
Nominations must be submitted to Hockey Regina by 5:00pm CST on March 13, 2020.
All award nominations will be juried by an Awards Committee and the winners will be announced at the Hockey Regina Volunteer Appreciation Night on Friday, March 27.