SHA Skills of Gold

Once again this holiday season we are pleased to announce
Christmas Break Camps for Regina
SHA/ Hockey Canada - 2011/12 Camps & Coach Clinics (Register @
Regina Cooperators Centre - Skills of Gold Creative Thinking, Small Area Games & Skating Camp December 28-30thReginaCooperators Centre- Coach Specialty Clinic "Creative Thinking, Small Area Games, Skating" December 27thCreative Thinking, Small Area Games & Skating Camp - $125 Unleash your Creative Thinking, Speed and Passion for Hockey. Players will develop explosive power and balance in their skating stride with specific skills application and puck control. "Hockey Sense" and "Creative Thinking" concepts will be developed through a variety of Small Area Games that focus on puck handling, creative puck moves & fakes, scoring techniques and defensive side positioning. An excellent option to
explore for players of all ages and skill levels during their mid season break.
General Camp Information
= Players will work off-ice on stick-handling and mobility/agility during the camp. Team Building Life Skills and hockey videos may also be used. Each participant will receive an in-season stick-handling & shooting program to take home.
= Players of all ages, positions and all tiers will be challenged including AA or AAA. Groups will be based on age and skill level.
= Contact us regarding Goalie options
= Initiation & Novice 9:15am v 1:15pm
= Atom & Pee Wee 8:00am - 12:00pm
= Bantam & Midget 12:00pm - 4:00pm
= Items Required: Full hockey equipment, neck guard, runners, t-shirt, shorts, water bottle, old stick
& sock, stick-handling ball (if they have one) & snacks
Coach Specialty Clinic (No Charge) = 6-10pm (skates, gloves & helmets required)
= A New Coach Specialty Clinic focusing on Creative Thinking, Small Area Games & Skating concepts
for coaches to introduce to their teams including In Season Off Ice Multi-Sport Programs.
= Coaches across all levels are encouraged to attend the coach specialty clinic for the
theory component (the night prior to the camp start ) and then apply
practical aspects on ice while participating as an active volunteer during the
= Get new material during your mid-season break to start off the New Year right!
= Coaches participating on ice during the camp receive a SHA Track Suit. Choose the day(s) you can
Skills of Gold Instruction / Mentorship / Camps / Clinics v Ongoing Development during the hockey season requires understanding and practicing the core competencies of the game. Along with regular Skills of Gold camps and clinics, SHA Skills Leaders are available to deliver Association, Team, Group or Individual instruction on an ad hoc basis. Instruction and Coaching can focus on Power Skating, Passing, Puck Control, Checking
Skills, Shooting/Scoring, Creating Offense, Creating Defense, Developing Defensemen, Creative Thinking, Small Area Games, Team Tactics & Goaltending. Email Rates will vary.
To set up similarcamps, clinics, team instruction or for further information contact:
Kelly Toporowski v SHA Skills Development Leader or 370-2323