On behalf of the board of directors I would like to take this opportunity to remind the players, coaches and parents of Hockey Regina and all associate teams to ensure they are adhering to the General Conduct in Hockey Regina's Regulations.
The expectation is that all players, coaches, parents, spectators and officials temper their conduct to show respect for the game, their opponents, the officials and the fans.
Hockey Regina will not tolerate disrespectful behaviour and remind all players, parents and coaches that are involved in minor hockey in Regina that Hockey Regina Inc has a zero tolerance regarding any form regarding abusive behaviour towards players, coaches parents and officials.
In addition, I would like to remind all coaches that Hockey Regina has an equitable ice time policy and the expectations are that all players have the opportunity to utilize the skills that they have obtained through the practises in game situations. Excessive and constant shortening of the bench will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
At this time of year as Hockey Teams position themselves for Provincials and Playoffs, the atmosphere becomes tense and emotional. Although, the competition is welcomed to challenge our players; Hockey Regina’s overall goal is to continue to develop not only hockey skills, but life skills to promote hard work, dedication, teamwork and fun from a game. I would like to remind all participants that they are representing Hockey Regina in all games, tournaments, and provincials and the expectation is that you will represent Hockey Regina in an appropriate and disciplined manner.
It is important to understand the role in which the parents and coaches play in the development of our youth's general conduct in hockey. It is our responsibility as parents and coaches to ensure our youth learn and show respect for the game, their opponents and officials through our actions. The Respect in Sport course reinforces that we each have a responsibility to remind each other of any inappropriate actions that are abusive towards players, coaches, parents and officials.
As always, I welcome constructive criticism and solutions that attempt to better our program. Let us work to build a culture of respect in hockey for our players, coaches, officials and fans.