Bid live at the game on Saturday, November 18 from 12:00pm-2:30pm, then online on Saturday, November 18 at the link below from 3:30pm-6:00pm.
All jerseys have an opening bid of at least $100. Minimum bid increments of $10.
All proceeds are going to the Canadian Cancer Society. Tax receipts will be available.
The winners will be contacted Nov 20 to arrange payment and pick up.
#2 SILVESTER $110 Jodie Silvester
#3 SIVERTSON $125 Bryan Sivertson
#4 HICKS $100 Tanis Hicks
#6 DONOVAN $140 John Donovan
#11 DERKATCH $150 Curtis Seifert
#13 POLL $100 Bernadette Romanowich
#15 STERANKA $100 Bruce Morrison
#18 MIEYETTE $150 Abigail Casey
#19 BROWN $110 Dean Brown
#20 KLAPAK $100 Murray Murdoch
#21 SKIFTUN $110 Curtis Skiftun
#22 MEHL $300 Gunther Mehl
#23 JOHNSON $100 John Johnson
#24 McBEATH $110 Tammy McBeath
#25 McDONALD $100 Jen McDonald
#26 ULMER $100 Brent Borschneck
#27 TAYLOR $110 Patti Taylor
#28 LANIGAN $220 Maureen Baker
#29 DEOBALD $600 Glenda Murdoch
#31 TABASHNIUK $120 Dee Tabashniuk
#35 SHAW $170 Joanne Thomson
#36 NICHOLSON $100 Bob Nicholson